Saturday, January 11, 2014

Scoff at flu season with Elderberry Syrup!

Alright pumpkins, the height of Flu season is officially upon us, and it seems people are dropping like flies. I spent about 4 months of last year (Thanksgiving through March) battling bouts of the flu/colds (at one point, I thought I might need to go to the hospital, which, if you know me, means I was REALLY sick). My immune system was super low (years of gluten reaction will do that to ya), I was having major emotional issues with some of my family (depression doesn't help your immune system) and my hormones were still going crazy from coming off birth control (it takes SOOOO long to get your normal hormonal system back up and running after a long time on artificial hormones- but it is possible!) So the last 6 months have been me focusing on getting well, period. It's my main life focus. And I vowed that this year, I WOULD NOT GET SICK. So far, since last March, I haven't had even a sniffle (which I cannot take all the credit for- my therapist, my acupuncturist and my chiropractor have been major players in keeping me well). Long story short, we are heading into the thick of flu season, and this morning my facebook news feed was full of "I /my spouse /my child have the flu what can I do??!!" posts, so I figured it was a good time to post about my favorite flu fighter, that pretty much anyone can use (kids, babies, pregnant women, all humans really)... drum roll please...

... Enter Elderberry Syrup. My husband tells me stories of his great grandmother keeping an elderberry bush, and making syrup out of the beautiful purple berries to give to the kids (he just thought it tasted good, he didn't know it was also a potent flu fighter). Alas, I do not have an elderberry bush to make homemade syrup with (it is on my list of things to do when we have our farm) but luckily I live in Santa Cruz, where there is a health food store on nearly every corner, and we have access to a huge amount of herbal medicines. Elderberry syrup is a super easy way to prevent the flu- when taken as a preventative during flu season (1 teaspoon a day works for me) it ups the amount of T cells (white blood cell immune system Navy Seals) and works to prevent the flu from taking hold in your body. When taken after a known exposure to the flu, I up the dose to a few teaspoons a day. The recommendation for taking it when already sick is generally a teaspoon about every hour or so, but do your research on that one- I haven't had to take it yet so I am not positive on the dosing for already sick people. Elderberry is very high in vitamin C, and that may be the key to it's flu fighting ability, along with all those purple plant pigments (antioxidants) that are oh so good for you.

I use Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup, I really trust the company and have used many of their supplements. They have a nighttime formula as well, with passion flower and valerian root in it if you need a little bit of support to help you sleep as well. My hubs and I take it when we think we may have been exposed and when we know we're going to be around a sick person. In the height of flu season, because my husband is a paramedic and is exposed to stuff constantly, we take it everyday.

If you haven't gotten sick and don't want to, if you have kids (little ones are germ factories- and I mean that in the most loving way!) or if you are feeling a tickle in the back of your throat, I highly recommend picking up a bottle of Elderberry Syrup. It tastes yummy and is an easy way of coasting through flu season. Sending you all healthy flu free thought! Let me know if you try it!

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