Sunday, September 22, 2013

Happy Fall!

We have been very busy on the homestead this week- between harvesting the tomatoes and the last two pumpkins (this is our fur baby, Miss Ptilota, posing next to the last two cinderella pumpkins we harvested from our garden today), and a glut of celery (I don't really know what to do with all of this celery that is ready all at once!), to taking extra care of our chickens (some of our older ladies are going through a rough moult this season, and they need TLC), to cleaning the gutters and making dump runs and cleaning out the sheds (my husband thought I was mildly crazy, asking to do all this work to "get ready for the rains", when we haven't seen rain in Santa Cruz in many, many months... but my spidey-sense was working, because it rained all day yesterday, right after we had gotten all that work done!) I will be posting some good stuff coming up, so stay tuned! Happy Fall (my absolute favorite time of year) to everyone reading this out there in the world! Much love.

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