Thursday, October 31, 2013

Chlorella shots with Chia seed chasers...

Today I want to talk about my daily superfood ritual- most days, I try to take a big ole' shot of Chlorella (a beautiful blue green algae, similar to Spirulina) followed by a big ole' glass of soaked Chia seeds. Most of you know what Chia seeds are (and if you grew up in the 80's and were super lucky, you had a Chia pet!!!). They are all over health food stores, touted as Aztec super energy food (which is true- Aztec and Mayan warriors would eat them on long journeys to keep their energy up and stay full longer). Since I am not eating grains right now (or gluten- ever), I have to make sure I am getting enough fiber to keep things running smoothly (wink). Chia seeds have a huge amount of fiber, besides being high in Omega 3's, and also contain a large amount of calcium, which is great for me too since I tent to avoid dairy most of the time. Chlorella is a blue green algae that has some amazing capabilities- it can bind to toxic chemicals (particularly heavy metals and Dioxin, chemicals that can be present in your stomach from the food you ingest, and accumulate in your fatty tissue). It is important to note that Chlorella only binds to metals and toxins that you have recently ingested (that are in your digestive tract at the time), not to metals and toxins that are already absorbed in your fatty tissue- so it seems that they will not "pull" accumulated toxins out of your body, but rather help to mitigate the ingestion of toxins as you eat them in food.  In terms of Dioxins in particular, the WHO reports that:
  • Dioxins are a group of chemically-related compounds that are persistent environmental pollutants.
  • Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment and they accumulate in the food chain, mainly in the fatty tissue of animals.
  • More than 90% of human exposure is through food, mainly meat and dairy products, fish and shellfish. Many national authorities have programmes in place to monitor the food supply.
  • Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer  

Clearly, we don't want Dioxins (or heavy metals or other chemicals) in our bodies, and they need to be avoided especially in small children and pregnant and breastfeeding women. I am eating a fairly strict Paleo diet right now, and I try to eat about 4 tablespoons of grass fed Ghee (homemade) everyday (which is making my skin glow!). There have been some findings that even exclusively grass fed or organic butter has been found to have Dioxin in it- it is so prevalent in our world that even the most pristine environments may have Dioxin in the soil, and therefore it transfers to the cows grazing on the grass, and then transfers to the fatty tissue of the cows, and then goes right into that beautiful grass fed butter. But grass fed butter is a Paleo super food! What to do now?! I am not going to stop eating my Ghee made with gorgeous grass fed butter, because I have noticed an improvement in my health since I introduced it to my diet. But, it is possible that by making Ghee from the grass fed butter (which is essentially made by cooking out the milk fats and casein), I am removing the part of the butter that contains most of the contaminants. Just as insurance, I take a shooter of Chlorella a day, to trap up any toxins that I might have ingested, and then follow it with a big glass of Chia to move that bad stuff right out of my body. There have been some recent studies done in Japan on the effects of Chlorella and removal of Dioxins in breast milk in mothers who are breast feeding. Breast milk has been found to have high concentrations of Dioxin, and they found that taking Chlorella significantly reduces the amount of Dioxin that is present in the breast milk.  ( I think that is just amazing! What an easy way to protect your baby from a chemical that is ever present in our system, and may be very hard to avoid ingesting. My thought is, if Chlorella removes Dioxin from breast milk, it probably removes it from your body as a whole- so why not take it?! It is important for pregnant women to remember- the toxins that are bound up by Chlorella are the ones present in your digestive system at the time, and not the toxins that have already moved to your blood and fatty tissues, so it is seemingly safe for pregnant women and won't "transfer chemicals to the baby" as some people have thought (but always exercise caution when taking anything as a pregnant or breastfeeding woman!!!)

I like to think of my Chlorella shots and Chia chasers as super food insurance- preventative care that I can easily do now to avoid getting sick later in life, and to help keep my future children safe from ever present chemicals in our food supply. It's all about preventative wellness- I want to do everything I can to live a long and healthy life, and Chia seed and Chlorella shots are a step in that direction. Let me know if you pick up some Chlorella or Chia (or both!) and what you think. Oh, and Happy Halloween!!!

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